Submit up to two of your best photos through our submission form to enter our editorial review process that selects a total of 24 photos for publication in the upcoming issue of BLUR. These photos are selected by our editors and is completely internal and not subject to discussion.
If the magic number 24 is already full, do not despair – your photos will also enter a BLUR community voting round, where our readers will select an additional 12 photos that will complement our editorial selection and constitute the final 36 photos that will be showcased in the Gallery 36 section of the next issue of BLUR magazine. You’re free to advertise your photo to your friends and family via Facebook and other social networks, and they’re free to register on our website and vote for your photos to help you improve your chances. But please do this responsibly and in a way not to hijack the voting process at the expense of other great authors that also deserve a shot at publication.
Posted in: Gallery 36 submission questions